Essence Magazine: America’s Racial Makeup is Changing, What Does it Mean for You? (with Daniela Gibbs Léger)
Wall Street Journal: Fewer Suspensions, Expulsions in Connecticut Schools (by Joseph De Avila)
The Atlantic: Health of Women of Color Boosts U.S. Economy (by Farah Ahmed and National Journal)
CT Public Radio: Racial, Class Disparities Persist Among Connecticut’s Arrested Students (by David DesRoches)
Harford Courant: Advocates Push to Make Transfers to Adult Prison More Difficult (by Josh Kovner)
Hartford Courant: School Arrests, Expulsions Decline But Racial Disparities in Discipline Exist (by Cara Rosner)
New Haven Register: New Haven Public Schools See Decrease in Student Arrests
CT Latino News: Report: Low-Income, Minority Students More Likely to Attend Schools with Larger Kindergarten Classes and Inexperienced Teachers
News Times:Bill tightens rules on student arrests (by Mackenzie Rigg)
WAMC Northeast Public Radio: Report Finds Student Arrests and Suspensions Falling in Connecticut (by Jim Levulis)
Connecticut Post: Report: Kids Behaving Better in School (by Linda Connor Lambeck)
The Hour: Study shows school suspensions, expulsions, arrests declining statewide (by Korey Wilson)